《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 国际汉语教师职业道德与专业发展》以汉语教师为中心,着重介绍在国际汉语教育大发展的背景下,国际汉语教师应该具备的基本素质。《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 国际汉语教师职业道德与专业发展》共分四章。章主要讨论教师职业道德第二章是教师心理素质第三章是教师教育素质第四章为教师专业发展总的来说,这是一本教师了解关于自身和学生的基本的入门教材。适用于准备参加国际汉语教师资格证书考试的学生、即将踏入汉语教师职业阶段的预备教师、刚人职的汉语教师、希望提升自己的教学理论水平的教师以及希望更多了解自己和学生的汉语教师。

The Chinese Language Teachers’ Short-Term Training Series International Ethics and Professional Development for Chinese Language Teachers focuses on the basic qualities that international Chinese language teachers should possess in the context of the great development of international Chinese language education. The textbook is divided into four chapters. Chapter 2 focuses on the professional ethics of teachers Chapter 3 on the psychological qualities of teachers Chapter 4 on the professional development of teachers Overall, this is an introductory textbook for teachers to understand the basics about themselves and their students. It is suitable for students preparing for the International Chinese Language Teachers’ Certificate Examination, preparatory teachers who are about to enter the Chinese language teaching profession, new Chinese language teachers, teachers who wish to improve their teaching theories, and Chinese language teachers who wish to learn more about themselves and their students