《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 中华文化与跨文化交际》共分三部分,部分为中华文化,共十章,分别为绪论、中国姓氏与名字号、中国古代学术思想、中国古代典籍藏书、中国古代教育、中国宗教信仰、中国古代科技成就、中国古代艺术、中国的风俗习惯、中国文学等 第二部分为中国国情,共五章,分别为国土资源、历史发展、中国的行政区划、人口与民族、当代中国的政治制度等 第三部分为跨文化交际,共四章,分别为绪论、影响跨文化交际的因素及主要障碍、跨文化适应与国际汉语教学、跨文化交际的策略与方法等。正文中有多项案例及思考题,书后配有模拟题及答案。

Chinese Culture and Intercultural Communication is divided into three parts: Chinese Culture, with ten chapters, including Introduction, Chinese Surnames and Names, Ancient Chinese Academic Thought, Ancient Chinese Canonical Collections, Ancient Chinese Education, Chinese Religious Beliefs, Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technological Achievements, Ancient Chinese Art, Chinese Customs and Traditions, Chinese Literature, etc. There are five chapters on national resources, historical development, China’s administrative divisions, population and ethnic groups, and the political system of contemporary China, etc. The third part is on intercultural communication, with four chapters on introduction, factors and major obstacles affecting intercultural communication, intercultural adaptation and international Chinese language teaching, and strategies and methods of intercultural communication. There are a number of case studies and reflection questions in the main text, and mock questions and answers at the back of the book.