•   2012新版YCT考试真题,国家汉办独门授权,商务印书馆倾力奉献。针对7-15岁汉语学习者是考生必备的考试复习材料是对外汉语教师的教学参考资料。为满足新YCT考生备考的需求,国家汉办联合商务印书馆推出《新中小学生汉语考试真题集2012版》,该套书共5册(含口试)。本册包含YCT二级考试的5套新真题、听力录音材料以及参考答案。 The new 2012 edition of YCT exam questions is exclusively authorized by the Hanban and published by The Commercial Press. It is a must-have exam revision material for Chinese learners aged 7-15 years old and a teaching reference for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. In order to meet the needs of the new YCT candidates in preparing for the exam, Hanban, in collaboration with The Commercial Press, has released the 2012 edition of the New Chinese Language Exam for Primary and Secondary School Students. The set consists a total of five volumes (including the oral exam). This volume contains 5 new sets of exam questions, listening recording materials and reference answers for the YCT Level 2 exam.  
  • 2012新版YCT考试真题,国家汉办独门授权,商务印书馆倾力奉献。针对7-15岁汉语学习者是考生必备的考试复习材料是对外汉语教师的教学参考资料。为满足新YCT考生备考的需求,国家汉办联合商务印书馆推出《新中小学生汉语考试真题集2012版》,该套书共5册(含口试)。本册包含YCT一级考试的5套新真题、听力录音材料以及参考答案。 The new 2012 edition of YCT exam questions is exclusively authorized by the Hanban and published by The Commercial Press. It is a must-have exam revision material for Chinese learners aged 7-15 years old and a teaching reference for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. In order to meet the needs of the new YCT candidates in preparing for the exam, Hanban, in collaboration with The Commercial Press, has released the 2012 edition of the New Chinese Language Exam for Primary and Secondary School Students. The set consists a total of five volumes (including the oral exam). This volume contains 5 new sets of exam questions, listening recording materials and reference answers for the YCT Level 1 exam.  
  •   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第1语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念《YCT标准教程(6)》应运而生。 The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of primary and secondary school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies. The YCT Standard Course (6) textbook has been developed based on the analysis of the exam questions and the concept of "teaching and learning together".
  •   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第1语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念《YCT标准教程(5)》应运而生。 The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of primary and secondary school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies. The YCT Standard Course (5) textbook has been developed based on the analysis of the exam questions and the concept of "teaching and learning together".
  •   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第1语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念《YCT标准教程(4)》应运而生。 The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of primary and secondary school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies. The YCT Standard Course (4) textbook has been developed based on the analysis of the exam questions and the concept of "teaching and learning together".
  •   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第1语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念《YCT标准教程(3)》应运而生。 The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of primary and secondary school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies. The YCT Standard Course (3) textbook has been developed based on the analysis of the exam questions and the concept of "teaching and learning together".
  •   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第1语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念《YCT标准教程(2)》应运而生。 The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of primary and secondary school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies. The YCT Standard Course (2) textbook has been developed based on the analysis of the exam questions and the concept of "teaching and learning together".
  •   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第1语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念《YCT标准教程(1)》应运而生。 The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardised Chinese language proficiency test that tests the ability of primary and secondary school students whose Chinese is not their first language to use Chinese in their daily lives and studies. The YCT Standard Course (1) textbook has been developed based on the analysis of the exam questions and the concept of "teaching and learning together".
  •   《HSK语言点大纲解析与练习》是对HSK语言点大纲的详细解读。内容体例包括语言点解释说明(包括具体的内容介绍或子语言点的分解)、使用环境(具体介绍语言点的使用语境或使用格式)、例句(多来自HSK考试真题)、练习、相近语言点辨析、扩展等。根据不同级别考生的特点,各个板块具体设计和深入程度各不相同,力求使考生全方位了解HSK各级别语言点的具体内容和运用方法,真正为考生解决语法学习的难题。 Through a detailed explanation of the "HSK Language Points Outline”, this book helps readers understand the specific contents and usage methods of all the language points tested in the HSK from the first to sixth level comprehensively, providing an effective solution to the difficulties experienced in grammar study. This book consists of: straightforward bilingual interpretation, typical usage format, standard and representative example sentences, detailed bilingual differentiation between similar points, diverse practice question types comprehensive and clear introduction of usage expansion and more. The content and degree of difficulty of each section are adjusted to suit the different HSK levels they support.
  •   《HSK真题集(2014版)》系列共7册:HSK1~6级每册包含相应等级的5套考试真题、答案、听力材料、答题卡及配套MP3光盘;HSKK包含初、中、高三个等级各5套考试真题、听力材料及配套MP3光盘。本系列是教育部中外语言交流合作中心指定的2014年HSK和HSKK考试的唯一官方正式出版版本,按级别分册的方式方便考生根据需求有针对性地选择使用。本系列为考生提供了体验真实考试的机会,是考生和教师了解考试内容并有针对性地进行自测和备考的必备用书。 Official Examination Papers of HSK•2014 Edition series includes 7 volumes. Official Examination Papers of HSK Level 1~6 consists of 5 sets authentic examination papers, answers, listening materials, answer sheet and supporting MP3 recording; HSKK consists of 5 sets of authentic examination papers for each level of elementary, intermediate and advanced, listening materials and supporting MP3 recording. This series is the only appointed publication of HSK and HSKK Examination in 2014 by Confucius Institute Headquarters / Hanban. Publication according to levels helps examinees conveniently choose the specific level that they need. It provides precious opportunity for examinees to experience the real examination modes. That’s necessary books for examinees and teacher to understand the test contents, do targeted self-test and prepare for HSK Examinations.
  •   《HSK真题集(2014版)》系列共7册:HSK1~6级每册包含相应等级的5套考试真题、答案、听力材料、答题卡及配套MP3光盘;HSKK包含初、中、高三个等级各5套考试真题、听力材料及配套MP3光盘。本系列是教育部中外语言交流合作中心指定的2014年HSK和HSKK考试的唯一官方正式出版版本,按级别分册的方式方便考生根据需求有针对性地选择使用。本系列为考生提供了体验真实考试的机会,是考生和教师了解考试内容并有针对性地进行自测和备考的必备用书。 Official Examination Papers of HSK•2014 Edition series includes 7 volumes. Official Examination Papers of HSK Level 1~6 consists of 5 sets authentic examination papers, answers, listening materials, answer sheet and supporting MP3 recording; HSKK consists of 5 sets of authentic examination papers for each level of elementary, intermediate and advanced, listening materials and supporting MP3 recording. This series is the only appointed publication of HSK and HSKK Examination in 2014 by Confucius Institute Headquarters / Hanban. Publication according to levels helps examinees conveniently choose the specific level that they need. It provides precious opportunity for examinees to experience the real examination modes. That’s necessary books for examinees and teacher to understand the test contents, do targeted self-test and prepare for HSK Examinations.
  •   《HSK真题集(2014版)》系列共7册:HSK1~6级每册包含相应等级的5套考试真题、答案、听力材料、答题卡及配套MP3光盘;HSKK包含初、中、高三个等级各5套考试真题、听力材料及配套MP3光盘。本系列是教育部中外语言交流合作中心指定的2014年HSK和HSKK考试的唯一官方正式出版版本,按级别分册的方式方便考生根据需求有针对性地选择使用。本系列为考生提供了体验真实考试的机会,是考生和教师了解考试内容并有针对性地进行自测和备考的必备用书。 Official Examination Papers of HSK•2014 Edition series includes 7 volumes. Official Examination Papers of HSK Level 1~6 consists of 5 sets authentic examination papers, answers, listening materials, answer sheet and supporting MP3 recording; HSKK consists of 5 sets of authentic examination papers for each level of elementary, intermediate and advanced, listening materials and supporting MP3 recording. This series is the only appointed publication of HSK and HSKK Examination in 2014 by Confucius Institute Headquarters / Hanban. Publication according to levels helps examinees conveniently choose the specific level that they need. It provides precious opportunity for examinees to experience the real examination modes. That’s necessary books for examinees and teacher to understand the test contents, do targeted self-test and prepare for HSK Examinations.