•   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为教程1,共设15课,覆盖HSK(一级)考试的150个词语、45个语言点。学完本书学生可达到“理解并使用一些简单的汉语词语和句子,满足具体的交际需求,具备进一步学习汉语的能力”的目标。 Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. This is Textbook 1, which includes 15 lessons and covers 150 words and 45 language points required by the HSK Level 1 test. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to “understand and use a few simple Chinese words and sentences to meet their specific needs in communication and to prepare themselves for further learning”.
  •   汉语水平考试(HSK)是教育部中外语言交流合作中心主办,汉考国际研发、实施的一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,重点考查汉语非第一语言的考生在生活、学习和工作中运用汉语进行交际的能力。 为了满足全球HSK考生的强烈需求,教育部中外语言交流合作中心组织出版《汉语水平考试真题集》(2018版)系列。该系列图书共6册,分别对应HSK一至六级。 HSK is an international standardized exam sponsored by Center for Language Education and Cooperation and developed and implemented by the Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI). It focuses on examining the ability of Chinese non-first language candidates to use Chinese in life, study and work. In order to meet the strong demand of global HSK candidates, Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters has published the series of Official Examination Papers of HSK (2018 Edition). The series consists of 6 volumes, corresponding to HSK Levels 1 to 6.
  •   《HSK语言点大纲解析与练习》是对HSK语言点大纲的详细解读。内容体例包括语言点解释说明(包括具体的内容介绍或子语言点的分解)、使用环境(具体介绍语言点的使用语境或使用格式)、例句(多来自HSK考试真题)、练习、相近语言点辨析、扩展等。根据不同级别考生的特点,各个板块具体设计和深入程度各不相同,力求使考生全方位了解HSK各级别语言点的具体内容和运用方法,真正为考生解决语法学习的难题。 Through a detailed explanation of the "HSK Language Points Outline”, this book helps readers understand the specific contents and usage methods of all the language points tested in the HSK from the first to sixth level comprehensively, providing an effective solution to the difficulties experienced in grammar study. This book consists of: straightforward bilingual interpretation, typical usage format, standard and representative example sentences, detailed bilingual differentiation between similar points, diverse practice question types comprehensive and clear introduction of usage expansion and more. The content and degree of difficulty of each section are adjusted to suit the different HSK levels they support.
  •   本书适用于国际汉语教师、汉语志愿者,以及汉语国际教育专业的本科生和硕士研究生;可用于专业课教学、职业培训或者自学。 本书选取了现代汉语中62个核心语法点,并将其分为四大类:词类、句子成分、特殊句式和固定结构、句类。每个语法点的内容包括六个部分:知识扫描、常见偏误、教学提示、教学建议(即教学案例和课堂操练)、课堂活动、训练营(即测试页)。 This book is suitable for international Chinese language teachers, Chinese language volunteers, as well as undergraduate and master's students in Chinese international education; it can be used for teaching professional courses, vocational training or self-study. This book selects 62 core grammatical points in modern Chinese and divides them into four main categories: words, sentence components, special sentence forms and fixed structures, and sentence types. The content of each grammar point consists of six sections: Knowledge Scan, Common Errors, Teaching Tips, Teaching Suggestions (i.e. teaching examples and classroom drills), Classroom Activities, and Boot Camp (i.e. test pages).