•   《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 国际汉语教学组织与课堂管理》按照对外汉语教学全过程的四个基本环节,选编了“总体设计”、“教材编写”、“课堂教学”和“语言测试评估”四个方面的基础理论知识,以及国际汉语教师急需吸收、转化、应用的教学理论。由于本部分的实践性较强,因此,编者编写、汇集、整理了许多具有针对性、代表性的课堂教学案例和实践活动,给国际汉语教师和志愿者提供了具体实用、易于劋作、效果明显的课堂教学方法与基本技巧。同时,《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 国际汉语教学组织与课堂管理》特别设计了教学实践活动的练习部分及国际汉语教师资格考试的模拟题,方便教材使用者进行自测。 The textbook is based on the four basic aspects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, including "general design", "writing teaching materials", "classroom teaching" and "language testing and assessment". "It also contains the basic theoretical knowledge in the four areas of language testing and assessment, as well as the teaching theories that international Chinese language teachers need to absorb, translate and apply. As this part is more practical in nature, the editors have prepared, assembled and collated many relevant and representative classroom teaching cases and practical activities, providing international Chinese language teachers and volunteers with concrete and practical classroom teaching methods and basic techniques that are easy to put into practice and have obvious effects. At the same time, the textbook is specially designed with exercises for practical activities and mock questions for the International Chinese Language Teachers' Qualifying Examination, so that users can take self-assessments.
  •   《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材:国际汉语教学基础》主要包括三个部分:现代汉语、第二语言习得和语言教学原理。每一章我们都是从真实语料出发,在每节后面设计思考与练习题,且全书后面附五套国际汉语教师教学能力与资格测试模拟题,并附相应答案。因此,讲练结合,注重培训实效,是《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材:国际汉语教学基础》的最大特色。 The book consists of three main sections: Modern Chinese, Second Language Acquisition and Principles of Language Teaching. In each chapter, we have designed reflection and practice questions at the end of each section from the real-life corpus, and five sets of practice questions for the International Chinese Language Teachers' Teaching Ability and Qualification Test are included in the back of the book, with corresponding answers. Therefore, the combination of lecture and practice and the emphasis on practical training are the most important features of the Short-term Training Series for International Chinese Language Teachers: Fundamentals of International Chinese Language Teaching.
  • 本书根据国家汉办发布的《国际汉语教师标准》中的“标准四:中外文化比较与跨文化交际”编写而成,旨在帮助国际汉语教师了解中外文化的主要异同,理解跨文化交际的主要概念,以及文化、跨文化对语言教与学的影响,并将上述理论和知识应用于教学实践中。 全书共分八章,分别介绍了中外文明的特点和历史,世界主要哲学派别及代表人物,国外汉学研究,中外社会价值观及国外主要文化风俗,跨文化交际学与第二语言教学之间的关系,语用学与语言教学的关系等相关内容。本书内容的选取、论述的角度以及课后“思考与练习”部分的设计,都与国际汉语教师的教学实践紧密相连,具有较强的可操作性和针对性。 This book is based on Standard IV: Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Cultures and Intercultural Communication of the International Standards for Chinese Language Teachers issued by the Hanban. The book is divided into eight chapters. The book is divided into eight chapters, which introduce the characteristics and history of Chinese and foreign civilizations, the major philosophical schools and figures in the world, the study of Chinese studies abroad, Chinese and foreign social values and major foreign cultural customs, the relationship between intercultural communication studies and second language teaching, and the relationship between pragmatics and language teaching. The selection of content, the angle of discussion, and the design of the "Reflections and Exercises" section at the end of the course are closely related to the teaching practice of international Chinese teachers, and are highly operable and relevant.
  •   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为4级下教师用书,共设10课,每课含教学内容和教学目标说明、教学步骤解析,并附练习册听力文本及参考答案。可为教师使用对应级别教程及练习册提供全方位的教学指导和有效的教学支持。

    Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners.

    This is Teacher’s Book 4B, with altogether 10 lessons. Each lesson includes a specification of the instructional contents and objectives, an elaboration of teaching steps, and the listening scripts and reference answers for the Workbook as well. It provides teachers with all-round guidance and effective support in regard to how to use the textbook and workbook of the corresponding level.