•   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为《HSK标准教程6下 练习册》,配合《HSK标准教程6下》使用,包括教程20课的配套练习和一套HSK6级模拟试题。通过使用本书,不但可以帮助学习者顺利通过HSK(六级)考试,还可以全面提升学习者的汉语能力和水平。

    Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners.

    This is the workbook of HSK Standard Course 6B, including exercises for each of the 20 lessons in the textbook, and one HSK Level 6 model test. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 6 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency. The workbook is illustrated with plenty of photos matching the style of the test.

  •   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为《HSK标准教程4下 练习册》,配合《HSK标准教程4下》使用,包括教程10课的配套练习,同时,本书附录部分还提供了HSK(四级)的模拟试卷。通过使用本书,不但可以帮助学习者顺利通过HSK(四级)考试,还可以全面提升学习者的汉语能力和水平。 Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of "combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing". It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. This is the workbook of HSK Standard Course 4B, including exercises for each of the 10 lessons in the textbook and one HSK Level 4 model test. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 4 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency.
  • 本书是为考试编写的应试辅导用书,全书包括三套高仿真预测试卷、参考答案及解析。其主要特点是:深度把握考试大纲内容,严格参照大纲及样卷编写;紧密追踪新考试动态与发展趋势;题解简明精要,部分典型试题提示答题思路与技巧;每套试卷独立成册,便于考前自测,实战演练。 This book is an examination counselling book for the examinations. The whole book includes three sets of high-simulation prediction papers, reference answers and analysis. The main features are: an in-depth grasp of the examination syllabus, written with strict reference to the syllabus and sample papers; close tracking of new examination dynamics and development trends; concise and concise solutions to questions, with some typical questions suggesting answer ideas and techniques; each set of papers in a separate booklet to facilitate self-assessment and practical practice before the examination.





    The International Chinese Language Teacher Training and Development Series: International Chinese Vocabulary and Vocabulary Teaching is characterized by I. Clear positioning. This book is aimed at front-line international Chinese teachers and readers who are interested in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and can also be used as a vocational training textbook or a self-study textbook. 2. Practical content. The book is closely related to classroom practice and provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues related to vocabulary teaching in the classroom, as well as some targeted teaching methods and techniques. 3. Focus on guidance. All chapters in the International Chinese Language Teacher Training and Development Series: International Chinese Vocabulary and Vocabulary Teaching contain an introduction, pre-reading reflection, post-reading exercise and post-reading reflection, which encourage readers to think independently about the key points and difficulties of vocabulary teaching while consolidating what they have learnt.

  •   《国际汉语教师培养与培训丛书:国际汉语汉字与汉字教学》主要面向国内外从事国际汉语教学的教师,也适用于汉语国际教育及相关专业的学生,以及有志于从事中小学国际汉语教学的其他人员,可用作专业课教材、教师培训、个人自学等。《国际汉语教师培养与培训丛书:国际汉语汉字与汉字教学》立足于国际汉语教育实践,从具有前瞻性的国际化视角入手,在图书定位、构成、编写理念、框架体例等各个方面都进行了尝试和创新,以期实现“教学入门—教学实践—教学思考—教学创新”四步走的目标,最终提高国际汉语教师的教学素质和教学水平。 It is also suitable for students of Chinese international education and related majors, as well as other people who are interested in international Chinese teaching in primary and secondary schools. The book is based on the practice of international Chinese language education and is written from a forward-looking international perspective, with attempts and innovations made in various aspects such as book positioning, composition, writing concept and framework style. The aim of the book is to achieve the goal of "teaching introduction - teaching practice - teaching reflection - teaching innovation", and ultimately to improve the teaching quality and level of international Chinese language teachers.
  •   《国际汉语教师证书面试常见英文问答》一书依托国际汉语教师证书考试大纲,对常见的45个英文问答进行了解析。内容涵盖自我介绍、教学组织、课堂管理、中华文化与教学、跨文化交际等多个方面,不仅适用于证书面试,而且适用于国家汉办外派项目及其他赴外任教项目的面试,同时,对实际从事国际汉语教学也极具指导意义;本书的特色是以问题为导向,采用中英双语撰写,思路清晰,读来受益匪浅。 The book is based on the syllabus of the International Chinese Language Teachers' Certificate Examination and provides an analysis of 45 common English questions and answers. It is not only applicable to the interview for the certificate, but also to the interview for the Chinese Language Office's expatriate programme and other teaching programmes abroad, and it is also very meaningful for the actual practice of international Chinese teaching.
  •   《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 中华文化与跨文化交际》共分三部分,部分为中华文化,共十章,分别为绪论、中国姓氏与名字号、中国古代学术思想、中国古代典籍藏书、中国古代教育、中国宗教信仰、中国古代科技成就、中国古代艺术、中国的风俗习惯、中国文学等 第二部分为中国国情,共五章,分别为国土资源、历史发展、中国的行政区划、人口与民族、当代中国的政治制度等 第三部分为跨文化交际,共四章,分别为绪论、影响跨文化交际的因素及主要障碍、跨文化适应与国际汉语教学、跨文化交际的策略与方法等。正文中有多项案例及思考题,书后配有模拟题及答案。 Chinese Culture and Intercultural Communication is divided into three parts: Chinese Culture, with ten chapters, including Introduction, Chinese Surnames and Names, Ancient Chinese Academic Thought, Ancient Chinese Canonical Collections, Ancient Chinese Education, Chinese Religious Beliefs, Ancient Chinese Scientific and Technological Achievements, Ancient Chinese Art, Chinese Customs and Traditions, Chinese Literature, etc. There are five chapters on national resources, historical development, China's administrative divisions, population and ethnic groups, and the political system of contemporary China, etc. The third part is on intercultural communication, with four chapters on introduction, factors and major obstacles affecting intercultural communication, intercultural adaptation and international Chinese language teaching, and strategies and methods of intercultural communication. There are a number of case studies and reflection questions in the main text, and mock questions and answers at the back of the book.
  •   《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材:国际汉语教学方法》结合案例,深入浅出,实用性强。教学案例反映了国际汉语教师在实际汉语教学中遇到的种种情况,既可以作为每节培训内容的导入话题,也可以作为教学问题讨论的延伸话题。《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材:国际汉语教学方法》配有五套模拟题及参考答案,供培训教学中灵活使用。 The Short-term Training Series for International Chinese Language Teachers: International Chinese Language Teaching Methods combines cases that are in-depth and practical. The teaching cases reflect the various situations that international Chinese teachers encounter in the actual teaching of Chinese, and can be used as both an introductory topic for each training section and an extended topic for discussion of teaching issues. The Short-term Training Series for International Chinese Language Teachers: International Chinese Teaching Methods comes with five sets of practice questions and reference answers for flexible use in training and teaching.
  •   《跨文化交际》是外研社“汉语国际教育硕士系列教材·核心课教材”中的一本。本书系统介绍了跨文化交际学的基本概念和核心理论,着重阐述了与第二语言教学及国际汉语教学相关的跨文化交际内容及教学方法,分析了很多与汉语教师相关的真实跨文化交际案例,实用性、针对性很强,对提高国际汉语教师的跨文化交际能力和跨文化交际的教学能力很有帮助。 Intercultural Communication is one of the core textbooks in the Master's Series in Chinese International Education by Foreign Studies. The book systematically introduces the basic concepts and core theories of intercultural communication, focuses on the content and teaching methods of intercultural communication related to second language teaching and international Chinese teaching, and analyzes many real-life intercultural communication cases related to Chinese language teachers.
  •   《 汉语教学从这里开始——中小学 汉语教学案例与分析》包括中小学 汉语教学 案例作品,涵盖语言要素教学、语言技能教学、教学活动设计、课堂管理、文化教学等多方面,每篇案例体例规范,包括标题、教学地点、教学对象、教学任务、教学案例、课后分析、延伸思考、参考资料、专家点评。本书内容涉及了美国、泰国、中国、韩国等 十几个 和地区,适用于汉语 教育专业的本科生、研究生以及海内外 汉语教师、汉语教师志愿者,也可以作为《 汉语教师证书》笔试与面试考生的参考用书。 Chinese Language Teaching Starts Here - Cases and Analysis of Chinese Language Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools includes case works on Chinese language teaching in primary and secondary schools, covering various aspects such as teaching language elements, teaching language skills, teaching activity design, classroom management and cultural teaching. Each case has a standardised format, including title, teaching location, teaching target, teaching task, teaching case, post-lesson analysis, extended reflections, references and expert comments. It is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Chinese language education, as well as Chinese language teachers and Chinese language teacher volunteers from home and abroad.
  •   《国际汉语教师证书备考指南·教学篇》主要围绕笔试“应用能力”部分展开讲解、分析与训练。“证书”笔试试卷主要分为三大部分,分别是“基础知识”“应用能力”“综合素质”。本书对应的是其中的“应用能力”部分,这部分主要考查“汉语教学方法”“教学组织与课堂管理”,在试卷中所占的比例高达50%,属于笔试的重点内容。本书涵盖了《考试大纲》中关于“汉语教学方法”和“教学组织与课堂管理”的全部内容。 本书每个章节的体例基本一致,首先以“案例导入”为切入点,通过呈现已公布的样题或真题让读者初步感知“证书”考试的出题形式以及相关的考点;然后在“备考指南”部分列出每章内容及其考点所对应的《国际汉语教师标准》,并对所涉及的基本概念、重要原则、基本方法等基础知识进行梳理,分析常见考点,重点阐述考点中的重点与难点;最后,根据“备考指南”部分梳理出来的重要考点设计模拟练习题,在“模拟试题”中读者可以得到更有针对性的备考训练,且每道模拟试题都配有相应的“答案与解析”。 The International Chinese Language Teachers' Certificate Preparation Guide - Teaching focuses on the "Application Skills" section of the written examination. "The written test is divided into three main sections, namely "Basic Knowledge", "Application Ability" and "Comprehensive Quality". This book corresponds to the "Basic Knowledge", "Applied Skills" and "General Qualifications" sections. This book corresponds to the "Application Ability" section, which mainly examines "Chinese teaching methods" and "teaching organisation and classroom management", accounting for as much as 50% of the paper. It is a key component of the written examination. This book covers all the content of the syllabus on 'Teaching Methods' and 'Teaching Organisation and Classroom Management'. Each chapter is structured in the same way, starting with a "Case Study" to give the reader a first impression of the format of the Certificate exam and the relevant examination points through the presentation of published sample questions or examinations. "Then, in the "Preparation Guide" section, the International Standard for Chinese Language Teachers is listed for each chapter and its examination points, and the basic concepts, important principles, basic methods and other basic knowledge involved are sorted out, common examination points are analysed, and the key points and difficulties in the examination points are highlighted. "Finally, practice questions are designed based on the important examination points sorted out in the "Preparation Guide" section, in which readers can get more targeted preparation training, and each practice question is accompanied by the corresponding "answer and analysis".
  •   本书根据《国际汉语教师标准》(2015)、《国际汉语教师证书考试大纲》(2015)以及公布的样题等编写,旨在帮助考生提高国际汉语教学能力,顺利通过面试。本书的最大特点是“授人以渔”,具体如下:
    • 提供备考攻略和相关背景知识,丰富考生的知识储备和积累;
    • 重视解题思路的分析,围绕考点启发考生思考,触类旁通;
    • 突出中小学课堂教学方面的试题并附教学设计和策略,弥补考生教学经验不足的缺憾。
    This book is based on the International Standard for Chinese Language Teachers (2015), the syllabus of the International Chinese Language Teacher Certificate Examination (2015) and the published sample questions, etc. It aims to help candidates improve their international Chinese teaching skills and pass the interview successfully. The most important feature of this book is that it "teaches one to fish", as follows.
    • Provides test preparation strategies and relevant background knowledge to enrich candidates' knowledge base and accumulation.
    • Essential analysis of problem-solving ideas to stimulate candidates' thinking around the examination points.
    • Highlights questions on classroom teaching in primary and secondary schools with teaching designs and strategies to compensate for candidates' lack of teaching experience.
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