•   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉 考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学 严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教 结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语 教学机构和个人自学。 本书为教程3,共设20课,覆盖HSK(三级)考试的600个词语及相 关语言点。学完本书学生可以顺利通过HSK三级考试,并达到相应的汉语水平。 Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. This is Textbook 3, which includes 20 lessons and covers 600 words and language points required by the HSK Level 3 test. Upon finishing this book, students will be able to pass the HSK Level 3 test and their Chinese proficiency will reach the corresponding level.
  •   《国际汉语教师证书面试常见英文问答》一书依托国际汉语教师证书考试大纲,对常见的45个英文问答进行了解析。内容涵盖自我介绍、教学组织、课堂管理、中华文化与教学、跨文化交际等多个方面,不仅适用于证书面试,而且适用于国家汉办外派项目及其他赴外任教项目的面试,同时,对实际从事国际汉语教学也极具指导意义;本书的特色是以问题为导向,采用中英双语撰写,思路清晰,读来受益匪浅。 The book is based on the syllabus of the International Chinese Language Teachers' Certificate Examination and provides an analysis of 45 common English questions and answers. It is not only applicable to the interview for the certificate, but also to the interview for the Chinese Language Office's expatriate programme and other teaching programmes abroad, and it is also very meaningful for the actual practice of international Chinese teaching.
  •   汉语水平考试(HSK)是教育部中外语言交流合作中心主办,汉考国际研发、实施的一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,重点考查汉语非第一语言的考生在生活、学习和工作中运用汉语进行交际的能力。 为了满足全球HSK考生的强烈需求,教育部中外语言交流合作中心组织出版《汉语水平考试真题集》(2018版)系列。该系列图书共6册,分别对应HSK一至六级。 HSK is an international standardized exam sponsored by Center for Language Education and Cooperation and developed and implemented by the Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. (CTI). It focuses on examining the ability of Chinese non-first language candidates to use Chinese in life, study and work. In order to meet the strong demand of global HSK candidates, Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters has published the series of Official Examination Papers of HSK (2018 Edition). The series consists of 6 volumes, corresponding to HSK Levels 1 to 6.
  •   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为3级教师用书,共设20课,每课含教学内容和教学目标说明、教学步骤解析等;并附练习册听力文本和参考答案。可为教师使用对应级别教程及练习册提供全方位的教学指导和有效的教学支持。 Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. This is Teacher’s Book 3, with altogether 20 lessons. Each lesson includes a specification of the instructional contents and objectives, an elaboration of teaching steps, and a suggestion about teaching aids as well. It provides teachers with all-round guidance and effective support in regard to how to use the textbook and workbook of the corresponding level.
  • 本书是为考试编写的应试辅导用书,全书包括三套高仿真预测试卷、参考答案及解析。其主要特点是:深度把握考试大纲内容,严格参照大纲及样卷编写;紧密追踪新考试动态与发展趋势;题解简明精要,部分典型试题提示答题思路与技巧;每套试卷独立成册,便于考前自测,实战演练。 This book is an examination counselling book for the examinations. The whole book includes three sets of high-simulation prediction papers, reference answers and analysis. The main features are: an in-depth grasp of the examination syllabus, written with strict reference to the syllabus and sample papers; close tracking of new examination dynamics and development trends; concise and concise solutions to questions, with some typical questions suggesting answer ideas and techniques; each set of papers in a separate booklet to facilitate self-assessment and practical practice before the examination.
  •   《 汉语教学从这里开始——中小学 汉语教学案例与分析》包括中小学 汉语教学 案例作品,涵盖语言要素教学、语言技能教学、教学活动设计、课堂管理、文化教学等多方面,每篇案例体例规范,包括标题、教学地点、教学对象、教学任务、教学案例、课后分析、延伸思考、参考资料、专家点评。本书内容涉及了美国、泰国、中国、韩国等 十几个 和地区,适用于汉语 教育专业的本科生、研究生以及海内外 汉语教师、汉语教师志愿者,也可以作为《 汉语教师证书》笔试与面试考生的参考用书。 Chinese Language Teaching Starts Here - Cases and Analysis of Chinese Language Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools includes case works on Chinese language teaching in primary and secondary schools, covering various aspects such as teaching language elements, teaching language skills, teaching activity design, classroom management and cultural teaching. Each case has a standardised format, including title, teaching location, teaching target, teaching task, teaching case, post-lesson analysis, extended reflections, references and expert comments. It is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Chinese language education, as well as Chinese language teachers and Chinese language teacher volunteers from home and abroad.
  •   本书以国际汉语教师证书考试的要求为参考框架,从汉语教学方法、教学组织与课堂管理、中华文化与跨文化交际、职业道德与专业发展等角度,搜集了100多个的非汉语为母语环境下的跨文化国际汉语教学中出现的鲜活教学案例并加以分析说明,是教师们第一手经验的书面体现。这些案例通常都具有典型性和代表性,旨在帮助新手教师吸取前人的经验,快速上手跨文化的教学情境,经验丰富的教师也可以通过研读案例,联系自身在教学中遇到的情况,比对案例解析和自己心中的答案,通过这种途径和广大同行交流,以提高自身素质。相信本书会为国际汉语教师的应试和专业成长提供很大的帮助。 Using the requirements of the International Chinese Language Teacher Certificate Examination as a reference framework, this book collects and analyses more than 100 vivid teaching cases from the perspectives of Chinese teaching methods, teaching organisation and classroom management, Chinese culture and intercultural communication, professional ethics and professional development, etc. It is a written reflection of teachers' first-hand experience. These cases are usually typical and representative, and are intended to help novice teachers learn from the experience of their predecessors and quickly get to grips with intercultural teaching situations. Experienced teachers can also study the cases, relate them to situations they have encountered in their own teaching, compare the analysis of the cases with their own answers, and communicate with their peers in this way in order to improve themselves. I believe this book will be of great help to international Chinese language teachers in their test-taking and professional growth.
  •   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为《HSK标准教程1 练习册》,配合《HSK标准教程1》使用,共包括教程15课的练习及一套HSK(一级)全真模拟试卷和HSK(一级)考试说明。通过使用本书,学生可以更充分掌握HSK(一级)相关知识,并对考试有更充分的了解和认识。 Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. This is the workbook of HSK Standard Course 1, including exercises for each of the 15 lessons in the textbook, one HSK Level 1 model test, and an introduction to the HSK Level 1 test. By using this book, students can acquire the knowledge needed for the HSK Level 1 test and get a better understanding of the test itself.
  •   《HSK标准教程》经国家汉办授权,由北京语言大学出版社联合汉考国际(CTI)共同研发,将HSK真题作为基本素材,以自然幽默的风格、亲切熟悉的话题、科学严谨的课程设计,实现了与HSK考试内容、形式及等级水平的全方位对接,是一套充分体现“考教结合、以考促学、以考促教”理念的新型汉语教材。既适用于各国孔子学院,也适用于其他汉语教学机构和个人自学。 本书为1级教师用书,共设15课,每课含教学内容和教学目标说明、教学步骤解析,并附教学用具建议。可为教师使用对应级别教程及练习册提供全方位的教学指导和有效的教学支持。 Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of “combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing”. It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. This is Teacher’s Book 1, with altogether 15 lessons. Each lesson includes a specification of the instructional contents and objectives, an elaboration of teaching steps, and a suggestion about teaching aids as well. It provides teachers with all-round guidance and effective support in regard to how to use the textbook and workbook of the corresponding level.
  •   本书适用于国际汉语教师、汉语志愿者,以及汉语国际教育专业的本科生和硕士研究生;可用于专业课教学、职业培训或者自学。 本书选取了现代汉语中62个核心语法点,并将其分为四大类:词类、句子成分、特殊句式和固定结构、句类。每个语法点的内容包括六个部分:知识扫描、常见偏误、教学提示、教学建议(即教学案例和课堂操练)、课堂活动、训练营(即测试页)。 This book is suitable for international Chinese language teachers, Chinese language volunteers, as well as undergraduate and master's students in Chinese international education; it can be used for teaching professional courses, vocational training or self-study. This book selects 62 core grammatical points in modern Chinese and divides them into four main categories: words, sentence components, special sentence forms and fixed structures, and sentence types. The content of each grammar point consists of six sections: Knowledge Scan, Common Errors, Teaching Tips, Teaching Suggestions (i.e. teaching examples and classroom drills), Classroom Activities, and Boot Camp (i.e. test pages).
  •   《<国际汉语教师证书>面试指南》以《国际汉语教师证书》考试中面试的结构为全书框架,从“说课和试讲”“中文问答”“外语问答”等几个方面进行详解。考虑到实际面试中说课和试讲基于同一篇教学材料进行,故《<国际汉语教师证书>面试指南》将说课、试讲两部分合在一起,按学生的不同层级选取经典教材的课文,侧重方法与技巧的讲解;中文问答部分以海内外汉语教学中的真实案例为基础,较为系统地展现不同案例的分析思路和解决策略;外语问答部分以英语为例,从自我介绍技巧、试题范围、应答策略、问题题库等多个角度进行了详细梳理,基本采用全英文形式,有利于考生熟悉答题环境。 The interview guide is based on the structure of the interview in the International Chinese Language Teachers' Certificate examination, with detailed explanations from "Lecture and Test Talk", "Chinese Questions and Answers" and "Foreign Language Questions and Answers". "The book provides a detailed explanation of several aspects of the interview. Considering that the actual interview is based on the same teaching material, the interview guide combines the two parts of the interview, namely the lecture and the audition, with texts from classical textbooks selected according to the different levels of students, focusing on methods and techniques; the Chinese quiz part is based on real cases of Chinese teaching at home and abroad, showing more systematically the analysis ideas and solution strategies of different cases The Chinese quiz section is based on real-life cases in Chinese teaching at home and abroad, and presents more systematic analysis ideas and solution strategies for different cases.
  •   本书根据《国际汉语教师标准》(2015)、《国际汉语教师证书考试大纲》(2015)以及公布的样题等编写,旨在帮助考生提高国际汉语教学能力,顺利通过面试。本书的最大特点是“授人以渔”,具体如下:
    • 提供备考攻略和相关背景知识,丰富考生的知识储备和积累;
    • 重视解题思路的分析,围绕考点启发考生思考,触类旁通;
    • 突出中小学课堂教学方面的试题并附教学设计和策略,弥补考生教学经验不足的缺憾。
    This book is based on the International Standard for Chinese Language Teachers (2015), the syllabus of the International Chinese Language Teacher Certificate Examination (2015) and the published sample questions, etc. It aims to help candidates improve their international Chinese teaching skills and pass the interview successfully. The most important feature of this book is that it "teaches one to fish", as follows.
    • Provides test preparation strategies and relevant background knowledge to enrich candidates' knowledge base and accumulation.
    • Essential analysis of problem-solving ideas to stimulate candidates' thinking around the examination points.
    • Highlights questions on classroom teaching in primary and secondary schools with teaching designs and strategies to compensate for candidates' lack of teaching experience.
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