《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材:国际汉语教学基础》主要包括三个部分:现代汉语、第二语言习得和语言教学原理。每一章我们都是从真实语料出发,在每节后面设计思考与练习题,且全书后面附五套国际汉语教师教学能力与资格测试模拟题,并附相应答案。因此,讲练结合,注重培训实效,是《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材:国际汉语教学基础》的最大特色。 The book consists of three main sections: Modern Chinese, Second Language Acquisition and Principles of Language Teaching. In each chapter, we have designed reflection and practice questions at the end of each section from the real-life corpus, and five sets of practice questions for the International Chinese Language Teachers' Teaching Ability and Qualification Test are included in the back of the book, with corresponding answers. Therefore, the combination of lecture and practice and the emphasis on practical training are the most important features of the Short-term Training Series for International Chinese Language Teachers: Fundamentals of International Chinese Language Teaching.