1. What is HSK Standard Course?
The HSK Standard Course (The Course) is a set of high-quality Chinese language course developed by Chinese Testing International, the organiser of HSK tests. The course is conducted by HSK Centre (Crestar), the exclusive HSK test centre in Singapore.
The Course is developed based on HSK Test Syllabus and is specially designed for HSK Standard Course Textbook. It aims to develop students’ Chinese learning ability systematically and efficiently, improve students’ Chinese proficiency gradually and obtain an ideal HSK result.
2. Our Edge in Singapore
1) Authoritative
Developed by Chinese Testing International, the organiser of HSK tests
2) Professional
Taught by quality teachers selected by Chinese Testing International
3) Lively
Integrated with latest technology elements like animation, video and music
4) Efficient
Combined latest teaching methods with leading online teaching platform
5) Preferential
Sponsored by Chinese Testing International with discount on course fee
3. Class Duration
4. Course Fee
1)Standard Course

2)Special Course

(1) All students enrolling in 2025 will enjoy the discounted fee sponsored by Chinese Testing International.
(2) All fees are NOT inclusive of GST
(3) All fees above do not include HSK Standard Course Textbook. Students can purchase the textbook from HSK Centre or purchase on their own.
5. Course Schedule for 2025 Term 2
(1) Level 4 comprises sequentially structured modules 4A and 4B. Level 5 offers modules 5A, 5B, and 5C, also designed for sequential learning.
(2) Crestar HSK reserves the right to change and cancel the courses. 2.
(3) Student applying for the one-to-one or the family course can schedule the lessons with Crestar HSK.
6. Online Platform
The Course is conducted live on ClassIn online platform. Lesson replays are available for three months.
7. Method of Application
- Fill up the application form online ( click here for Online Application Form )
- HSK Centre (Crestar) will send each applicant a QR Code for fee transfer (PayLah ! /PayNow)
- Applicants to make online transfer of course fee
- HSK Centre (Crestar) will send payment receipt via email. The application is successful
- HSK Centre (Crestar) will send emails about class schedule one week before the starting date.
8. Enquiries
Email:[email protected]