•   中小学生汉语考试(YCT)自2010年实施以来,更加关注汉语非第一语言的学习者综合能力的培养,多元智能发展的培养。《YCT考试大纲与应考指南》是基于《YCT考试大纲(2009版)》的一次修订。本次修订继续遵循“考教结合”的理念,根据主题式教学和任务型教学的理论及方法,以交际话题和语言任务为引领,重点描述学生在每一级别的词语、语言点限定内“能做(can do)”什么,建议在实际教学中,整体培养学习者的交际能力和语言综合运用能力。   Since its implementation in 2010, the Youth Chinese Test (YCT) has paid more attention to the cultivation of comprehensive abilities and the development of multiple intelligences for learners whose Chinese is not their first language. The YCT Syllabus and Examination Guide is a revision of the YCT Syllabus (2009 Edition). The revision continues to follow the concept of 'teaching and learning together', and is based on the theories and methods of topic-based teaching and task-based teaching, using communicative topics and language tasks as a guide. It is recommended that in practice, learners develop their communicative competence and their ability to use the language as a whole.
  •   《国际汉语教师词汇教学手册》第一部分:常用词简笔画在初级阶段的词汇教学中,卡片和图画对理解词义、记忆生词、组织活动和游戏起着重要的作用。为此,《国际汉语教师词汇教学手册》将卡片和简笔画结合起来,以“词语卡片+简笔画”的形式展示80组常用词。卡片的正面是简笔画,背面是汉字、拼音和英文翻译。80组常用词包括1200多个词语,涵盖国际汉语初、中级阶段教学常见的60多个主题。 第二部分:常用词辨析同义词和近义词辨析是汉语词汇教学的重要内容,也是教师备课的重点和难点。为了帮助教师了解和熟悉教学中经常遇到的词语辨析问题及对策,《国际汉语教师词汇教学手册》对105组同义词和近义词语进行了讲解和分析。这些词语的提取均来自于教学实践,词语辨析也针对教学进行,语言力求简洁易懂,同时配有实用例句和参考练习。 第三部分:词汇教学问答《国际汉语教师词汇教学手册》对词汇教学中常见的35个问题进行了解答,为一线教师提供最实用、最贴心的教学指南。 In teaching vocabulary at the primary level, cards and drawings play an important role in understanding the meaning of words, remembering words and organising activities and games. For this reason, the Chinese Language Teacher's Vocabulary Teaching Manual combines cards and sketches to show 80 groups of commonly used words in the form of "word cards + sketches". The 80 sets of commonly used words include more than 1,200 words, covering more than 60 topics commonly taught at the beginning and intermediate levels of Chinese language teaching. Part 2: Commonly Used Words Identification and Analysis Synonyms and near-synonyms identification is an important part of Chinese vocabulary teaching, and is also a key and difficult point for teachers to prepare for lessons. In order to help teachers understand and become familiar with the problems of word identification and countermeasures frequently encountered in teaching, the Handbook for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language teachers' vocabulary explains and analyses 105 groups of synonyms and near-synonyms. The words are extracted from teaching practice, and the word analysis is tailored to teaching. The language is designed to be simple and easy to understand, with practical examples and reference exercises. Part Three: Vocabulary Teaching Questions and Answers The International Chinese Language Teachers' Vocabulary Teaching Manual provides answers to 35 common questions about vocabulary teaching, providing front-line teachers with the most practical and intimate teaching guide.
  • 本书根据国家汉办发布的《国际汉语教师标准》中的“标准四:中外文化比较与跨文化交际”编写而成,旨在帮助国际汉语教师了解中外文化的主要异同,理解跨文化交际的主要概念,以及文化、跨文化对语言教与学的影响,并将上述理论和知识应用于教学实践中。 全书共分八章,分别介绍了中外文明的特点和历史,世界主要哲学派别及代表人物,国外汉学研究,中外社会价值观及国外主要文化风俗,跨文化交际学与第二语言教学之间的关系,语用学与语言教学的关系等相关内容。本书内容的选取、论述的角度以及课后“思考与练习”部分的设计,都与国际汉语教师的教学实践紧密相连,具有较强的可操作性和针对性。 This book is based on Standard IV: Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Cultures and Intercultural Communication of the International Standards for Chinese Language Teachers issued by the Hanban. The book is divided into eight chapters. The book is divided into eight chapters, which introduce the characteristics and history of Chinese and foreign civilizations, the major philosophical schools and figures in the world, the study of Chinese studies abroad, Chinese and foreign social values and major foreign cultural customs, the relationship between intercultural communication studies and second language teaching, and the relationship between pragmatics and language teaching. The selection of content, the angle of discussion, and the design of the "Reflections and Exercises" section at the end of the course are closely related to the teaching practice of international Chinese teachers, and are highly operable and relevant.
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