《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 国际汉语教学组织与课堂管理》按照对外汉语教学全过程的四个基本环节,选编了“总体设计”、“教材编写”、“课堂教学”和“语言测试评估”四个方面的基础理论知识,以及国际汉语教师急需吸收、转化、应用的教学理论。由于本部分的实践性较强,因此,编者编写、汇集、整理了许多具有针对性、代表性的课堂教学案例和实践活动,给国际汉语教师和志愿者提供了具体实用、易于劋作、效果明显的课堂教学方法与基本技巧。同时,《国际汉语教师短期培训系列教材 国际汉语教学组织与课堂管理》特别设计了教学实践活动的练习部分及国际汉语教师资格考试的模拟题,方便教材使用者进行自测。
The textbook is based on the four basic aspects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, including "general design", "writing teaching materials", "classroom teaching" and "language testing and assessment". "It also contains the basic theoretical knowledge in the four areas of language testing and assessment, as well as the teaching theories that international Chinese language teachers need to absorb, translate and apply. As this part is more practical in nature, the editors have prepared, assembled and collated many relevant and representative classroom teaching cases and practical activities, providing international Chinese language teachers and volunteers with concrete and practical classroom teaching methods and basic techniques that are easy to put into practice and have obvious effects. At the same time, the textbook is specially designed with exercises for practical activities and mock questions for the International Chinese Language Teachers' Qualifying Examination, so that users can take self-assessments.