本书选取初级汉语教学中,也是“国际中文教师证书” 考试中常见的33个语法点,并从教学要点、教学步骤、典型偏误分析、练习、知识链接、思考题和参考文献七个方面展开讲解,旨在让考生明确各语法点的核心语法意义、主要形式与典型例句、使用的典型情境、教学重点与难点、与相关形式的区别,掌握各语法点导入、讲解、操练和设计课堂活动的方法和技巧。


This book selects 33 grammatical points commonly used in teaching elementary Chinese and in the International Chinese Language Teachers’ Certificate examination. The aim is to clarify the core grammatical meaning of each grammar point, the main forms and typical sentences, the typical situations used, the teaching focus and difficulties, the difference with related forms, and to master the methods and techniques of introducing, explaining, practicing and designing classroom activities.

The book is equipped with micro-lessons of grammar points taught by front-line teachers, which are specially designed for the “Speaking” and “Test Speaking” sessions of the “International Chinese Language Teacher Certificate” interview and can provide candidates with The book provides authoritative teaching guidance.