—— HSK (Level II)

HSK (Level II) test is made up of listening comprehension and reading comprehension sections and consist of 60 questions.


Number of Questions

Duration (Min)

I. Listening

Part I



About 25

Part II


Part III


Part IV


Filling out the Answer Sheet (Mark your answers for listening comprehension on Answer Sheet)


II. Reading

Part I




Part II


Part III


Part IV





About 50

The test will last for 55 minutes in total (including 5 minutes in which test takers fill in personal information).

Test Structure for HSK (Level II):

1. Listening

Part I consist 10 questions. Test takers will listen to each question twice. Each item is a sentence. A picture will be given on the test paper and test takers should judge if the content of the picture is right or wrong based on what he/she has heard.

Part II consist 10 questions. Test takers will listen to each question twice. Each item is a dialogue. Several pictures are given on the test paper and test takers should select the one corresponding with what he/she has heard.

Part III consist 10 questions. Test takers will listen to each question twice. For each question, two persons make a dialogue of two sentences, and another person will raise a question based on the dialogue. 3 options will be given on the test paper and test takers should select the answer based on what he/she has heard.

Part IV consist 10 questions. Test takers will listen to each item twice. For each question, two persons make a dialogue of 4 to 5 sentences, and another person will raise a question based on the dialogue. 3 options will be given on the test paper and test takers should select the answer based on what he/she has heard.

2. Reading

Part I consist 10 questions. Several pictures are given on the test paper. For each question, one sentence is given and test takers should select the picture corresponding with the content of the sentence.

Part II consist 10 questions. For each question, one or two sentences are given with one blank, and test takers should select the best choice from the options offered to make the sentence(s) complete.

Part III consist 10 questions. For each question, two sentences are given and test takers should judge if the second sentence corresponds with the first one in content.

Part IV consist 10 questions. 20 sentences are given and test takers should find out the matchup relationship.

Pinyin is given for all the questions on the test paper.